Hello all, its been a while hasn’t it but like I said, I’d be back every now and then with a little goody while I finish up my studies.
I’m thrilled to be taking part in this awesome March Blog Train. Over 100 Fantastic Designers have contributed to this super Mega kit and I know you are all going to love it.
Check it out
You can grab my portion here
To visit the next Designer on the train go here
and heres a complete list of all the Designers taking part
Blog Train Participants:
1. Rustic Charm Creations - http://rusticcharmcreations.blogspot.com/
2. Inspiredbydominic Designs -http://www.inspiredbydominic.com/blog
3. Jeanne Marie Scraps - http://jeanne-maries-scraps.blogspot.com/
4. JayaPrem's Hangout - http://scraps-by-jayaprem.blogspot.com/
5. Pixie Mama Designs - http://pixiemamadesigns.blogspot.com
6. Wyld Web Designs - http://wyldwebdesigns.com/wordpress/
7. AnDi Designs - http://andreaditonno.blogspot.com
8. Graham Like The Cracker - http://gltcblog.wyldgrahamcrackers.com
9. Laura Marie Scraps - http://lauramariescraps.blogspot.com
10. Chris Greiser - http://sketchmeifyoucan.blogspot.com
11. Barb Speck - http://www.barbspeck.blogspot.com/
12. Kalo Designs - http://kalodesigns.com/wordpress/
13. Leslie G. Designs - http://lesliegdesigns.blogspot.com/
14. JennCk Designs - http://jennck.blogspot.com/
15. Color With Caryn - http://blog.colorwithcaryn.com
16. Shanmomto4designs - http://www.shanmomto4designs.com/
17. jennylyn Designs - http://www.jennilyndesigns.com/journal
18. DeliciousScraps - http://Deliciousscraps.com
19. My4PrincessesDesigns - http://www.my4princessesdesigns.blogspot.com
20. Trish H. Designs - http://trishhdesigns.blogspot.com/
21. TMA Designs - http://themathematiciansassistant.com
22. Designs by BubblyKori - http://bubblykori.blogspot.com/
23. GeniaBeana Scraps - http://geniabeanascraps.blogspot.com
24. JW-DigiScraps - http://www.jwdigiscraps.com
25. Mad Genius Designs - http://bothmadandgenius.blogspot.com/
26. mITSYBELLE Designs - http://mitsybelle.com/blog/
27. Chaos Lounge - http://jen-at-chaos-lounge.blogspot.com/
28. Bon Scrapatit Designs - http://bonscrapatitdesigns.blogspot.com
29. Starry Eyed Designs - http://starryeyeddesignsbyamy.blogspot.com/
30. HotFlashDesigns - http://p-u-s-h.typepad.com/
31. Scrapper's Delights - http://scrappersdelights.com/blog/
32. Lizard Dau Designs - http://liz-lizarddaudesigns.blogspot.com/
33. SandEz Creationz - http://sandezcreationz.blogspot.com
34. KimB Designs - http://kimbsdesigns.blogspot.com/
35. Wilma4ever - http://wilma4ever.blogspot.com/
36. FoxyDesigns - http://foxydesigns.biz
37. KimericKreations - http://kimerickreations.blogspot.com
38. ikscrap - http://www.ikscrap.nl
39. Charlize Creations - http://beautyframe.blogspot.com/
40. Christine Smith Digital Design - http://christinesmithdigital.blogspot.com
41. GET Designs - http://ginnytallent.blogspot.com
42. Robyn Pali Designs - http://robynpalidesigns.blogspot.com/
43. Trixie Scraps Designs - http://blog.trixiescraps.com
44. gabs-art - http://www.scraplantis.com/gabs-blog/
45. Willow Grace Designs - http://willowgracedesigns.blogspot.com/
46. Designs by Keira - http://designsbykeira.blogspot.com/
47. Little Red Scraps - http://littleredscraps.blogspot.com
48. Altered Sea - http://alteredsea.net
49. Wetfish Designs - http://wetfishdesigns.com/blog
50. A-liya - http://a-liya.blogspot.com/
51. Mel's World - http://mels-world1.blogspot.com/
52. Sweet Tomato Designs - http://sweettomatodesigns.blogspot.com
53. Kiss This Designs - http://littlebitofthisandalittlebitofscrap.blogspot.com/
54. AliSarah Digiscraps - http://scrappincuteness.blogspot.com
55. Flutter Expressions - http://www.flutterexpressions.blogspot.com
56. Major Scrapola - http://majorscrapola.blogspot.com/
57. Jennifer Fox Designs - http://jenniferfoxdesigns.blogspot.com/
58. Polka Dot Pixels - http://polkadotpixels.blogspot.com
59. Nikki Epperson - http://gonescrappindesigns.com/blog
60. Digital Artistry by Nicole - http://crop-a-holic.blogspot.com
61. Happy Scrap Girl - http://happyscrapgirl.blogspot.com/
62. Susan Robinson Designs - http://susanrobinsoncreative.blogspot.com/
63. LDrag Designs - http://ldragdesigns.blogspot.com/
64. Sherri Tierney - http://sherritierney.blogspot.com
65. Mikki Designs - http://mikkidesigns.blogspot.com/
66. Digilicious Designs - http://digilicious.typepad.com/digi_licious_designs/
67. BooLand Designs - http://boolanddesign.blogspot.com/ YOU ARE HERE
68. Photocowgirl - http://photocowgirl.blogspot.com/
69. Jewelscraps - http://jewelscraps.blogspot.com
70. Kathy Winters - http://wordartfun.blogspot.com
71. Late Night Scraps - http://latenightscraps/blogspot.com
72. Creations By Rachael - http://www.creationsbyrachaelb.com/wordpress/
73. Allison Pennington - http://allisonpennington.familyartspace.com
74. Sherry Ferguson - http://sherryfergusondesigns.blogspot.com/
75. Day Break Scraps - http://daybreakscraps.blogspot.com
76. Shel Belle Scraps - http://shelbellescraps.blogspot.com
77. eqrAveziur- http://eqraveziur.blogspot.com
78. Moonchylde Creations - http://www.moonchylde906.blogspot.com
79. Geek Chic Scraps - http://geekchicscraps.blogspot.com/
80. ScrapBug Designs - http://scrapbugdesigns.blogspot.com/
81. Sara Ellis - http://scrapsillysara.blogspot.com/
82. Andrea Dickinson - http://the-dickinsons.blogspot.com/
83. (had to backed out link to next person!)
84. LouCee Creations - http://louclark.blogspot.com/
85. Twin Mom Scraps - http://twinmomscraps.blogspot.com
86. DesignZ by DeDe - http://designzbydede.blogspot.com
87. Tahera - http://scrapbookartstudio.wordpress.com/
88. AmyEdwards -http://amyedwards.com
89. Lillyscrap - http://lilleyscrap.blogspot.com
90. Tricia Curtis - http://triciacurtis.com/blog
91. A+ Designs - http://www.aplusdesigns.blogspot.com/
92. KariQ Designs - http://kariqdesigns.blogspot.com/
93. Snips & Snails - http://snipsandsnailsscraps.blogspot.com/
94. Brandi Beaver - http://www.brandibeaver.blogspot.com
95. Scrapmuss Designs - http://scrapmuss.blogspot.com/
96. Kris Myers Designs - http://nwfotobug.blogspot.com
97. Project B Designs - http://www.projectbdesigns.com
98. Rebeccapsp Designs - http://rebeccasscrappingsilliness.blogspot.com/
99. Smooth Sailing Designs - http://myplaceintimelaura.blogspot.com/
100. Victoria Feemster - http://victoriafeemster.wordpress.com
101. Verena Designs - http://www.verena-online.info/blog/
102. Pixelfairy Designs - http://pixelfairydesign.blogspot.com/
103. BTA Designs - http://btaphotography.blogspot.com/
104. SgD DESIGNS - http://scrapbooksgonedigital.blogspot.com/
105. Maitri - www.maitriscraps.blogspot.com
106. Topsy Turvy Digital - http://blog.topsyturvydigital.com/
107. Designs By Sassy - http://sassyscrappin.typepad.com
Have fun and pop back to see what other goodies I’ll have along the way for you.
Boo and the Blossoms x